May 21, 2020

Coronavirus Update #38

Dear Resident,

Rabies Clinic & Pet Licensing – Monmouth County SPCA announces rabies clinics to take place at their Eatontown location. Appointments are required.  We remind you that state law requires that pets be licensed with the Municipality and must be done by July 1 to avoid a fine.  Please see the letter, clinic flyer and the licensing form as well as online payment options HERE.

Marlboro First Aid Fundraiser - As we celebrate National EMS Week the Marlboro First Aid Squad is holding a fundraiser selling Jersey Strong t-shirts and magnets to support the purchase of PPE equipment.

Testing and Stats – New Jersey reported new positive test results of 1,304 for a statewide total of 151,472. Monmouth County has 7,659 cases with 432 in Marlboro.

Census 2020 – It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the form, yet determines how billions of federal dollars are allocated.  In New Jersey, we are 21st as only 61.7 percent have responded.  New Jersey was undercounted 10 years ago and what is not allocated to us goes to another state.   Please help us ensure that NJ and Marlboro are represented.  Visit  

Businesses and Non-Profits – The state will be reaching out to ask business owners and non-profits to complete a short survey to better inform their efforts as they take the next steps.  Please visit 

Memorial Day Hours and Virtual Ceremony - Town Hall and the Recycling Center are closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day.  We remind residents that many forms and permits are available on line and that the drop box in the Town Hall Lobby is open 24/7. 

Facebook Live Ceremony, Monday May 25 at 11am - Although we are disappointed to have had to cancel our annual Memorial Day parade, we cannot let the day pass without an acknowledgement of those that paid the ultimate price.  I want to thank the Veterans and Volunteers committee, chaired by Judy Kushner and Paul Lorenz, for planning the private ceremony. We are pleased to welcome keynote speaker and Grand Marshal Louis Rodriguez US Army, 101st Airborne Division.  The ceremony will be filmed as a live FB video on the township page and, for those without access to Facebook, it will be shared to Channel 77.   I also want to remind everyone to take this time to inspect your American flags for wear.  If a Flag is unused or should be retired it may be brought to the American Flag Disposal bin that has been relocated to the outer lobby of Town Hall and near the drop box and is available 24/7.  We thank Marlboro resident and US Navy Veteran, William Waple who built and donated the box and Marlboro Boy Scout Troop 86 that collects the flags and arranges the ceremony to properly honor the flags. 

I hope you will virtually join us Monday at 11am. 

Mayor Jon Hornik