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Open Space Committee

 What is Open Space?

Open space properties are lands acquired by the Township in conjunction with the County and State, typically used for parks and passive recreational facilities to benefit Township residents.  These acquisitions are the result of sound planning, and are essential to maintaining an appealing and healthy community.

What is the function of the Open Space Committee?

The Open Space Committee is an advisory committee dedicated to preserving Marlboro’s historically rural character through the preservation of remaining undeveloped tracts of land. We do not negotiate land acquisitions, but seek to protect land of recreational, scenic or historical value by:

  • Advising and assisting the Township Planning Board and Town Council in identifying properties that meet Township criteria, that will qualify for Green Acres funding and that offer maximum benefits to residents.
  • Working cooperatively with County and State offices within the confines of the Green Acres Program.
  • Creating and disseminating information about the benefits of open space preservation.
  • Providing parties interested in donating or preserving land with the appropriate contacts.

Who is on the Open Space Committee?

Seven residents of Marlboro, as well as a student liaison volunteer their time, resulting in no expense to the taxpayer. Committee meetings are always open, and public participation is most welcome. 




732-536-0200 ext 1807