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Division of Treasury

The Treasury Division is responsible for the custody, receipt, investment, and disbursement of all municipal funds as well as making revenue and expenditure estimates for the Mayor and the Business Administrator. The Treasury Division is also charged with:

  • Maintaining central accounts and records.
  • Controlling all expenditures through an encumbrance system of budget operations.
  • Pre-auditing bills and claims
  • Preparing warrant checks for the signature of the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Preparing semi-monthly payrolls for the certification of the Business Administrator.
  • Safekeeping and custody of all municipal securities and bonds of the Township.
  • Serving as certifying agent for the New Jersey Public Employees Retirement System with respect to Township employees.
  • Paying interest and principal on Township obligations.

The Treasury Division is headed by the Chief Financial Officer, who is appointed by the Mayor. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for auditing and approving payment for all bills, claims and demands against the Township. The Chief Financial Officer also prepares for each regular Township Council meeting, a list of all bills, claims, and vouchers that have been paid.

732-536-0200 ext 1810